Serves: 12 (312 Calories per 325g serve – approximately 97 Calories per 100g)
Total calories per recipe: 3750
Preparation Time: 10 minutes.
1 teaspoon minced garlic – 15 calories
1 cup chicken stock – 8 calories (Use stock to keep vegetables or meat from sticking as you stir-fry)
600g Broccoli (2 small heads) – 110 calories
420g Red and Green capsicums (approx 3 medium) – 90 calories
560g Carrots – 180 calories
120g Diced Onion (1cup) – 40 calories
500g Chicken breast fillets (no Skin) – 750 calories
80g Bacon (trimmed of all fat and rind & diced) – 160 calories
500g Vetta High Fibre Low GI Pasta – 1830 calories
560g Jar Dolmio Carbonara pasta sauce – 592 calories
Wash and finely chop capsicum, carrots and onions (or use frozen onion) placing carrots in one bowl and capsicum & onion in another.
Cut stalks off broccoli heads and chop finely and add to carrots. Cut heads into bite size florettes and place in another bowl.
Cut chicken breasts into small bite size pieces and set aside.
Bring to the boil approximately 4 litres of water in large saucepan for cooking pasta. Add pasta and cook until entente.Drain pasta and set aside.
While cooking pasta heat a large wok or non-stick fry-pan, add garlic stirring for 30 seconds then add carrots and broccoli stems. Stir-fry until almost cooked through and set aside.
Use stock a little at a time to keep vegetables or meat from sticking as you cook each ingredient.
Next add bacon pieces and onion and cook well. Set aside.
Add chicken to pan and cook through. Make sure you don’t overcook and dry out the chicken. Set aside with bacon and add the pasta sauce and stir through.
Add broccoli tops and capsicum to pan adding a little stock and cook with lid on. This will make the broccoli bright and green!
Place all ingredients back into the wok/pan and stir through. Cook for about 5 minutes or until you are sure the meat is cooked.
Serve on its own in a bowl or with a side salad.
Freeze left overs for ready made low-calorie hunger buster meals.